
(a)(b) [presentation of work in Matthew Bown gallery]

'A contact mic reveals hidden noises within solid objects by amplifying vibrations. It is an essential tool for those afraid of missing something.'

Exhibition catalogue to follow. Along with better quality photos.
The work presented at end of 8 day residency with Katie Patterson is as follows:

Audio piece 'Ten hidden sounds', a CD of ten audio tracks recorded with a contact mic at ten points around the block of the gallery, offering the listener a chance to hear sounds that would otherwise have been overlooked. Alongside this is a map, detailing the location of each sound, to be taken away. This gives the audience a chance to revisit these sites and experience the sound in their own way.

I also presented an edited video with Jess Argo, of our performance at Devil's Mountain. The video had been overlaid with a higher quality audio track of the performance.