'The days of this society are numbered. Its reasons and its merits have been weighed in the balance and found wanting; its inhabitants are divided into two parties, one of which wants to build its own spaceships and leave this world behind. The Association of Autonomous Astronauts (AAA) was launched on April 23rd 1995 as the world's first independent and community-based space exploration programme. A Five Year Plan was also established for creating, by the year 2000, a worldwide network of community-based AAA groups dedicated to building their own spaceships.'
We are free.
The performer or performers shuffle into the performance area and away from it, above, behind, around or through the audience. They perform as a group or solo: but quietly.
["You've taken the violinist away from me!" complained the young man. "Now the only thing I want from life is to be able to listen and observe, and I want only to think about things immortal. So I wish I were a mountain as large as the country of Faldum, so tall that my peak would tower above the clouds."]
[Only the mountain stood unchanged and ageless, and when the snow on his peak glistened, he seemed to smile and be happy that he was no longer a human being and no longer had to calculate according to standards of human time.]
‘Unless it is just a game,
we look for what is hidden, anxious about what we might find- in the small
print, under the bed- or else driven by fantasies about what may be
concealed……. Our anxieties are fuelled by the play of imagination, our
fantasies by the numbering fear that there may be nothing hidden, that what we
know is all there is.’
Seeing Things Hidden: Apocalypse, Vision and Totality by Malcolm Bull